He mau pua. Hoʻokahi lei.

The prolific use of metaphors in Hawaiian – especially in naming and poetry – is characteristic of the language. Words, phrases and names may have literal, figurative and hidden meanings. “He mau pua; hoʻokahi lei” literally means “many blossoms; one flower lei.” But what is the significance of the lei – or the flowers from which it is made?

In Hawaiian, “pua” (flower) is a metaphor for something beloved – usually children. And a “lei” is not simply a garland of flowers. Traditional lei-making is an art form. Flowers and foliage are carefully selected and as the lei is crafted it is imbued with the aloha and mana (spiritual power) of the maker. A lei is intended to bless and add beauty to the one who receives it.

Indie Union is itself a lovingly woven “lei” made up of many “pua” (artists). The diverse talents of these individual artists (he mau pua) are joined together in harmony to create a single work of beauty (hoʻokahi lei).

Written by: Kalama + Pua Akamine

Inspired by Tait's native Hawalian roots we knew that we wanted to embody the heart of Indie Union in 'Olelo Hawaii. Huge mahalo to Uncle Kalama and Aunty Pua for putting into words the core of who we are and who we will always strive to be. We are so grateful for this community.

Photography: 'likea Ferge

Ilikea Ferge

Independent art, unified artistry.


A Year in Review, A Track in Rotation